Connect with the bilingual job opportunities in the region

, Invest Pacific

Connect with the bilingual job opportunities in the region

Invest Pacific, the regional Investment Promotion Agency in Valle del Cauca, invites all the people from Cali and Valle del Cauca who are fluent in English and who are looking for a job opportunity, to participate in this initiative that aims to connect you with multinational companies from the services sector that have at least two thousand vacancies for their call-center operations, the majority working from home mode.

In order to participate you just have to fill out the form posted in the Invest Pacific web site or through its social media, authorizing the Agency to connect you with the companies that are offering the vacancies. The only requirements to apply are; that the people have to be of legal age, have a high school degree and have a minimum English level of B2. If the people comply with this profile, they will be contacted directly by the companies.

The active vacancies are for hiring immediately, with salaries that go over 2 minimum wages, indefinite-term contracts and all the social benefits, according to the information provided by the companies that are requesting these talents.

“We are very excited because in the middle of this Covid-19 complex situation, we are generating this good news that we know contributes to the recovery of our region. It is important to clarify that Invest Pacific is not the entity that is going be hiring, but one of the value proposals we make to the companies that look forward to settling in our territory is the ease to get connected with this talented human resource that we have here”, informed Alejandro Ossa Cárdenas, Executive Director of Invest Pacific.

Even though the vacancies that Invest Pacific is currently supporting are for BPO services operations, there are many sectors that need bilingual professionals in our region. It is also expected that other 700 vacancies become available from foreign companies that have already manifested their interest in arriving to Cali.

“That is why we want to motivate our young people and also our professionals to be fluent in English and to continue strengthening their bilingual competencies, because we see that knowing a second language is an indispensable tool to achieve career growth and a greater professional projection”, added the Executive Director of Invest Pacific.

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